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AGRI BUSINESS – Italia nel Mondo


Mozambique, with nearly 800.000 Km2, is endowed with enormous investment opportunities in the agriculture sector. Given the agricultural potential of the country, agro-processing also constitutes a huge opportunity for investment, highlighting the need for processing products such as: (i) Maize (ii) Peanuts, (iii) sesame (iv) Cassava (v) Beans, (vi) Vegetables, (vii) Cashew nuts, (viii) Cotton, (ix) Tobacco, (x) Wood and (xi) Tropical fruits, especially bananas and mangoes, among others.

Mozambique offers firms from around the world an open, stable market with many opportunities for profit.
Mozambique has an advantageous geographic positioning, providing an ideal gateway to both international and regional markets

> 36 million hectares of arable land, mostly unutilized
> Tropical to sub-tropical climate with fertile soil and ample rainfall
> Tremendous irrigation potential from major rivers
> Agricultural development seen as critical to country´s development
> Government business incentive programs
> Significant private sector investments
> More than USD 14 billion expected in investments in infrastructure until 2020
> Numerous innovative public-private partnerships
> Reliance on imports: Large import substitution opportunity
> Coastal position: Access to international and regional markets
Development Corridor
Value Chains
Main investment on Value Chains
3 VALE DO ZAMBEZE Rice, maize, potato, cattle, goats, cotton and poultry > Irrigation structures;
1 PEMBA-LICHINGA Potato, wheat, beans, maize, soya, cotton, tobacco and poultry > Agricultural inputs: produce and supply higher yielding seeds and fertilizers, pesticides
2 NACALA Cassava, maize, cotton, fruit, poultry and groundnuts > Supply farming machinery and equipment;
6 MAPUTO Rice, horticulture, cattle and poultry > Harvest equipment supply
5 LIMPOPO Rice, horticulture, cattle and poultry > Commercial and contract farming;
4 BEIRA Maize, wheat, horticulture, poultry, soya, rice and cattle > Seed supply;
7 > Development of logistics and storage infrastructure;
8 > Food industry, agro-industry, milling
9 > Feed for livestock and poultry